Maria Vassilakou, Vice Mayor of Austria’s capital, visited the Windy City from January 31 to February 2, 2019, to discuss urban development and planning as well as the concepts of smart and resilient cities with her Chicago interlocutors, Chief Resilience Officer Stefan Schaffer and Deputy Budget Director Molly Poppe. Furthermore, she met with Austrian Honorary Consul Reinhold Krammer.
On the last day of her visit, Vice Mayor Vassilakou attended the Viennese Gala Ball at Chicago’s landmark hotel, The Drake, as a guest of honor. The event was hosted by the American Friends of Austria, sponsored by the Austrian Honorary Consulate of Chicago for Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin and attracted more than 200 guests for an evening of Viennese music, dancing and delicious food.
from left: Peter Sedlmayer (Austrian Trade Commissioner), Maria Vassilakou (Vice Mayor of the City of Vienna), Susanne Fischer-Sedlmayer, Bernd Matouschek
from left (sitting): Dominik Reisinger (Merlin Technology Inc.), Alexander Wipplinger (voestalpine Boehler Welding), Susanne Fischer-Sedlmayer, Reinhold Krammer (Austrian Honorary Consul), Maria Vassilakou (Vice Mayor of the City of Vienna), Bernd Matouschek, Peter Sedlmayer (Austrian Trade Commissioner)
from left (standing): Lisa Krammer and daughter Carina, Magdalena Hensle (Austrian Trade Commission), Lukas Thaler, voestalpine Boehler Welding, Tobi Mattner, Aerospace Motion Design
All photos (c) Austrian Trade Commission Chicago