Austrian Studies Association Annual Meeting
The Austrian Studies Association (ASA), presided by Professor Gregor Thuswaldner (North Park University), held its Annual Conference at the University of Vermont in Burlington, VT from May 30 to June 1st, 2018. The conference, under the theme "Austria and the East," brought together scholars and graduate students from the United States, Canada, and Europe to present their latest research in areas ranging from history to literature and musicology.
In addition, panels also focused on the future of Austrian studies, as well as on best practices for fostering international exchanges in higher education and study abroad programs in Austria. This year's conference was organized by Professor Helga Schreckenberger and Professor Nicole Phelps (both University of Vermont). The Conference also paid tribute to the former ASA-President, Professor Craig Decker (Bates College), who passed away this spring.
The Austrian services in the U.S. were represented by Dr. Hannes Richter (Press and Information Service of the Austrian Embassy) and Christian Ebner (Austrian Cultural Forum New York), who awarded several travel grants to young scholars and Ph.D. - students to help them attend this year’s conference.
Christian Ebner (left) with recipients of the Austrian Cultural Forum New York's conference travel grants.